The Dual Education System is a Professional Training that combines virtual and face-to-face learning. Dual education: what are its benefits and how does it work? The return to classes in Costa Rica began under the modality of dual education, also known as multimodal, hybrid, or alternation. This modality allows students to receive face-to-face classes at school and virtually, connected from home. Schools such as Costa Rica Christian School and La Palabra de Vida welcomed first the youngest of the preschool level and progressively the students of the primary and secondary levels.
One of the first steps to adopt this modality is to carry out surveys among parents to find out how many families preferred the dual-modality and how many the virtual one so that their children could start the next school year. Once this information was obtained, each room was measured to obtain an estimate of allowed desks, maintaining the distance required by the Costa Rican government of 1.80 meters between desks. The next step was to prepare the teaching staff for the use of the virtual platforms that would be used. Given that the budget did not allow hiring external agents, explains the director, the most experienced teachers trained the rest of their classmates. Likewise, support resources were created such as an online page with tutorials and simple instructions, thus demonstrating that where there is a will, there is a way of doing things and that a tight budget is not an impediment, since “human resources are the most valuable that he has a school ”, concludes De la Torre.