Entrepreneurship in La Carpio


In carpió there are many enterprising people who know how to get ahead despite the circunstances that the country is experiencing with this pandemic and with unemployment, it is time to use entrepreneurship.

Let’s meet Doña Vicenta, Keyling and Carolina these three women who used their wits to set up a pizza spress business.
They started by offering to their friends and then they opened a Facebook page: “Pizzería Pastran”     

to make it more viral and thus they have helped themselves with their income.
With this example we see that in carpió there are people with initiative, hardworking and who do not get carried away by bad times who know how to get ahead.
We congratulate these great women by wishing them success in their business.

«Me gustaria fomentar una comunidad positiva y en el crecimiento económico de nuestro vecindario». Soy estudiante en Técnico en Sistemas Informáticos, me encanta ser sociable,amable y me gusta apoyar el bien social. En mis tiempos libres me gusta cantar y practicar con el piano.