“The first virtual meeting of ACTIM”


As the title of this news say, on April 25th, 2021 there was the first virtual meeting of all the team ACTIM, where mentors, students, English teachers, and administrative staff participated. This meeting had two sections, one of these at the SIFAIS building where people who didn’t have an internet connection enjoyed the virtual session through smart TV and the other group through their computers in their homes.

This activity started at 10:00 am and finished at 12:00 pm. It started with a warm welcome from the coordinator Marco Duran, who spoke about the persistence in the middle of this pandemic situation that we live in at this moment and to take advantage of the different technological tools that we have in front of us.

After this warm welcome, some mentors spoke as well and gave us different advices about being people with good mental health through meditation exercises and telling ourselves that we can do anything that we want to do. Also, we had some words from our English coordinator Cristina Poveda, who spoke about never giving up learning a new language (English in this case) that we must speak every single moment and improve our English skills.

Then we had different small room sessions with our mentors, where we spoke about our feelings and opinions regarding this program and how we can improve it for the latest months and for future generations.

Finally, we closed the activity with the participation of the ACTIM choir, which is one of all those projects that are inside of the ACTIM Program. These students sang for the audience two acoustic songs, “Firework” by Katy Perry and “This is me” by the movie the greatest showman.

There was an excellent first virtual session of the ACTIM program and I’m pretty sure that someday we´re going to have a face-to-face session where we finally meet each of us.