“Carpio Recicla”, is a communal project of Zonas Actim in charge of three young students of the program, who seek an improvement for the community of La Carpio in the problem of garbage and environmental pollution: plastic, cardboard, aluminum, glass, etc. The contamination in the La Carpios settlement as well as in so many places in the country and the world is very worrying since it affects the health of people, animals, and ecosystems in general, for this reason, this program provides information on the correct way to recycle and separate waste. It also facilitates to the community the house to house collection of recycling to anyone who wants to collaborate with the environment and recycle. Unfortunately, the only collection center in the community of La Carpio has just closed its doors, but we hope to motivate and encourage the municipality in charge of this Cantón to get down to work and solves this problem by establishing new collection centers and facilitating the collection of recycling so that we become more responsible with our “garbage”.

Joven bachiller de 28 años de edad, vecina de la 4ta parada La Carpio, estudiante de ZONA ACTIM. Tengo tres hijas pequeñas, me gusta cocinar, cuidar el medio ambiente, reciclar y vivir el día a día.